So, you are going to board your dog

If you have never boarded your dog before, it can be stressful if you don’t know what to expect. Our goal is to make this the best experience possible for you and your dog. If you have filled out the new client form and the reservation form you won’t have any paperwork to fill out when you arrive with your dog, this makes it a lot easier. If you were not able to attach your records from your veterinarian please bring a copy with you.

Make sure to bring whatever food your dog normally eats. You should have this in a container that is clearly marked with your dog’s name and your name. We will need to know how much your dog eats and how many times a day he is used to being fed.  If your dog has medicine please write on a 3″ x 5″ card what he takes and when, we don’t want any mistakes.

Our inside crates are 36″ and 42″, you are welcome to bring a crate pad for your dog. Please do not bring toys. Your dog will be in his crate in stormy weather, during the heat of the day, and at night.

When possible the dogs are put out in one of the big yards to play. A lot depends on your dog and what they are used to so please allow time either on the phone before your come or when you get here to talk. Understand this is a farm and dogs get dirty playing outside.

Feel free to call or text to check on your dog, we are happy to give you an update. It is not a good idea to visit. the dogs don’t understand why you have come and not taken them home.


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